Wearer Database
The teqcontrol wearer database is held by outlet, location (delivery point) and wearer. Any number of kits can be set up by outlet and gender and any number of garments can be included in a kit. This is the key to order capture, picking, despatching, invoicing and sales analysis.
Up Selling
Sometimes additional garments and accessories are not covered by a wearer entitlement but could complete their uniform. These can be up-sold, by prompting them when placing an order. The teqcontrol Client Access can list these as extra items and could navigate them to your Web Shop.
Client Access
Client Access via the web, can be tailored to your livery and allows you to customise it to your individual customer too, by applying their logo and colours. The Client Access can even be made to look like a seamless extension of your existing web page. The application allows wearers and supervisors to view garments available within their uniform entitlement, enabling them to simply place orders and view their remaining allowance. This passes the administration responsibility to your customer and in turn, to the individual wearer. This will cut down on your own internal administrative costs and time and also improve the accuracy of the data. With teqcontrol you will no longer be despatching orders based on data which has been input into multiple systems. The wearer will feel in control of their own order and can check on their order status online at any time. This will free up many man hours that would previously be spent answering simple status queries. This leads to better customer service helping to both retain customers and win new contracts.
Pick and Despatch
Picking dockets have a breakdown of garments per wearer which facilitates picking and despatching. You can automatically generate Wearer Bagging Labels and Wearer Packing Lists at the point of despatch along with the standard despatch note. This is especially useful when despatching thousands of wearers simultaneously.