
In a world of ever-changing legislation and with the demands of your business constantly pushing forward, the need for an Integrated Payroll Solution is more important than ever.

At Cuskit Limited, we understand the critical nature of payroll operations and therefore offer an excellent level of support with a very fast response time.

The teqcontrol Payroll module will help you keep accurate employee records which are imperative to ensuring successful RTI compliance.

Payroll Highlights

Employee Management

The teqcontrol Payroll module allows you to keep all employee pay details up to date and looks after the tax credits, maternity leave, statutory sick pay, leaving and re-joining. A full payment history can be consulted at the touch of a button along with extensive documentation.

Multiple Pay Frequencies

The teqcontrol Payroll module supports multiple pay frequencies allowing you to pay people weekly, fortnightly, four-weekly and monthly. With minimal configuration, the payroll module is also compatible with all BACS IP software. Access to this information is tightly controlled using a unique password for each pay interval, ensuring that each administrator only has access to the information they require.

Automated Pay Adjustments

All statutory deductions and additions such as Tax Credits, Maternity Pay, SSP, Paternity Pay Student Loans and Attachment Orders are handled by the teqcontrol Payroll module. The payroll calculation routine will automatically create the variation for that employee and pay period, reducing or increasing their basic pay. Both temporary and permanent variations can be specified and customised by your administrators to cater for every eventuality. Automating pay adjustments both reduces your payroll administration and ensures the accuracy of your employees pay.

Financial Integration

Integration with the teqcontrol Financial Accounts module uses flexible rules that can be set up per department. This means that your nominal ledger is automatically updated each time a pay period is updated, allowing you to easily analyse payroll costs by department.

Real Time Information - RTI

This teqcontrol Payroll feature operates within the most up to date HMRC payroll legislation. RTI submissions can be sent securely and directly to the HMRC Government Gateway server using 128 bit SSL technology. You do not need any knowledge of RTI as the teqcontrol Payroll module has been designed to make this a seamless, integrated and, most importantly, automated part of the pay process.


Official HMRC documentation, including the P45 and P60, come as standard and are available to print out or email directly to you employees. Payslips can be printed on either plain A4 or pre-printed stationary. There is a standard payslip format, or we can create a customised one for your company’s livery.

Automatic Enrolment Pension Reports

Under new legislation employers are responsible for enrolling all workers who meet specific qualifying criteria onto a work based pensions scheme. The teqcontrol Automatic Enrolment module sits within the standard Payroll module and gives you the ability to create a pension scheme, define qualifying earnings, define the pensionable pay, assess you workforce and enrol workers into a pension scheme. Automatic Enrolment reporting conforms to the most recent specification provided by the Pensions Regulator.
The teqcontrol Payroll module follows a continuous path of care and you will receive timely unobtrusive updates to keep your system in line with the annual HMRC changes.


  • Key Benefits
  • Keep up to date with RTI and Auto Enrolment legislation
  • Automate your payroll processes
  • Print or email payslips
  • Easily calculate your PAYE and NI liability
  • Integrate with the teqcontrol Financial Accounts module
  • RTI Data Health Check tool to ensure your data complies with HMRC rules before submitting it
  • Pay type password control
  • Menu level user access restrictions
  • Key Features
  • Submission of RTI to HMRC
  • Automatic Enrolment reporting of pensions
  • Weekly, fortnightly, four-weekly and monthly paid employees can be maintained all in one company
  • Unlimited employees
  • Employee details and payslips held for unlimited pay periods
  • Automatic calculation of Student Loan deductions
  • Directors National Insurance contribution calculations
  • Handles multiple pension schemes
  • Calculations of SSP, SMP, OSPP, ASPP and SAP
  • Automatic processing and reporting of Attachment Orders
  • Holiday pay calculations and automatic deductions
  • Labour Cost Control/Piece rate pay integration
  • Comprehensive reports
  • Customisable payslips