Time & Attendance
Clock and RFID cards

Why have a separate clocking in machine taking employees clocking in/out times, only to have another member of staff to feed them into your ERP solution?

The teqcontrol Time and Attendance module enables clocking in and out using convenient inexpensive key fobs that the employee can attach to their key ring or a credit card style they can keep in their wallet. A choice of reasons can be set up for certain activities such as hospital appointments or carer duties. Having fixed reasons for leaving site or clocking off standard allows you to report on and analyse the data easily.

By integrating the teqcontrol Time and Attendance module with Production and Payroll you will ensure that the correct times worked by each employee are instantly available.

Time and Attendance Highlights

Piece-Rate Payroll

Integration with the teqcontrol piece-rate payroll system also allows employees to clock off standard work which can then be used in the payroll calculation.


Personalised messages can be set to appear when an employee clocks into the system. These can be anything from company wide notices to confirmation that a leave request has been approved. They can be entered manually by your HR Department or scheduled automatically to congratulate an employee for long service or simply say “Happy Birthday”.

System Calendar

A system calendar allows employees to submit leave requests for holidays, either half or full days, and to automatically send a notification to your HR Department. This allows the HR Department to authorise or refuse the request, keeping everyone up to date especially if you have to organise staff cover or if it affects your capacity planning. By allowing an employee to book his or her own appointments and holidays gives an increased employee satisfaction in both the product and your company.

Exception Reporting

Exception reports highlight employees whose clock minutes/hours are outside of the rules you require for example, no clocked times, missing clocking breaks, hours are more than expected, hours are less than normal, clocked in late and clocked out early.
The teqcontrol Time and Attendance solution reduces the risk of human error and ensures an easy and sensible approach in addressing specific requirements. Increased productivity can be expected as day to day operations become more efficient. Supervisors access real time and accurate information, allowing them more freedom to effectively manage their operations. The elimination of legacy systems vastly reduces administration time and decreases staff overheads.

Time and Attendance

  • Key Benefits
  • Assist you in monitoring employee attendance and reduce staff absence
  • Real time tracking of who is onsite and who is offsite
  • Aid resource and capacity planning
  • Reduce clerical errors
  • Increase security
  • Increase productivity
  • Reduce ‘time theft’ which costs the company money
  • Minimal fuss holiday & appointment requesting
  • Key Features
  • Employees clock in and out using key fobs
  • Time authorisation - allowing employees to request changes to time sheets e.g. appointments, holidays etc.
  • Built in reporting including absenteeism
  • Clocking in audit trails
  • Audited administrative overwrite facility
  • Work and break profiles per employee
  • Who is onsite/offsite real time monitoring
  • Automatically send messages such as “Happy Birthday” and long service congratulations.